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Just One Starfish recruits and trains high school students from all Christian denominations to become mentors. The purpose of Just One Starfish is mission – we are about showing God’s love to at-risk students in our community through mentoring and encouraging.
Our Ministry
For Youth Workers
Just One Starfish pairs high school age Christian youth with at-risk upper elementary school students for one-on-one mentoring. Learn how you can empower your students to do relational ministry and make a positive impact on your community.
Parents and Teachers
Just One Starfish mentors apply and are recommended by their church youth ministry leaders as positive, encouraging role models. Both schools and younger "mentees" alike will benefit when mentors invest their time and compassion in one-on-one mentoring. Together, we can make a difference one life at a time.
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Say What?
Step One:
Take turns answering the questions on each “Say What?” card. Briefly share your answers until everyone gets a chance to answer all four cards.
Step Two:
Have each person write down as many things as they can remember that their partners said.
Step Three:
casino- Before you created your list, how well did you think you listened to others?
- Does your list support your opinion of your listening skills? Why or why not?
- How does it make you feel when you know another person is listening attentively to you?
- What is the importance of good listening with your friends?