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Just One Starfish recruits and trains high school students from all Christian denominations to become mentors. The purpose of Just One Starfish is mission – we are about showing God’s love to at-risk students in our community through mentoring and encouraging.
Our Ministry
For Youth Workers
Just One Starfish pairs high school age Christian youth with at-risk upper elementary school students for one-on-one mentoring. Learn how you can empower your students to do relational ministry and make a positive impact on your community.
Parents and Teachers
Just One Starfish mentors apply and are recommended by their church youth ministry leaders as positive, encouraging role models. Both schools and younger "mentees" alike will benefit when mentors invest their time and compassion in one-on-one mentoring. Together, we can make a difference one life at a time.
Is Just One Starfish a Christian organization?
Absolutely yes. Just One Starfish recruits and trains high school students from all Christian denominations to become mentors. The purpose of Just One Starfish is mission – we are about showing God’s love to at-risk students in our community through mentoring and encouraging.
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What is the time commitment required for mentors?
We ask that Just One Starfish mentors commit to 4 hours a month of mentoring time. Mentors meet their mentee “stars” after school for 45-60 minutes once a week. There is not a set day of the week for mentoring, so the weekly meeting can be scheduled around sports and other extracurricular activities.
Mentoring takes place during the school year, not during summer vacation.
There may also be an additional fundraiser or two as needed in order to pay for an end of year celebration for all mentors and mentees.
Where does mentoring take place?
Mentors will meet with their mentees immediately after school on the elementary school campuses. Prior to mentoring, all student volunteers will need to be approved by Just One Starfish leadership and school district volunteer screenings. Adult sponsors, teachers and/or school administration will be present during mentoring time.
Why high school sophomores and juniors?
We believe high school students are ready to be leaders and to use their ministry gifts in our community. Positive high school students make for natural role models for upper elementary school aged students. Just One Starfish mentors are making connections with younger students at a critical developmental age, preadolescence. While we only ask for a one school year commitment, we hope that mentors will want to continue mentoring their “stars” for a second school year – by recruiting 10th amp; 11th grade mentors, the relationship can continue for at least two school years…right through preadolescence. (Do we make exceptions for exceptional high school seniors? Perhaps – email for information.)
How much does it cost to be involved in Just One Starfish?
There is no fee to be a Just One Starfish mentor – you are volunteering your time and that’s wonderful! Unfortunately, it’s not free to run a ministry. There are always administrative costs and as we grow, so do costs. You can help by making a donation to Just One Starfish. Email for more information.